English (United States)

Integrity Helpline

Ask a Question

Ask a Question

If you have an ethics or compliance question or an inquiry regarding a company policy, you can ask anonymously and confidentially. Your question will be routed to the appropriate member of the Enterprise Compliance Team.

Example Question:

Can I accept a gift from a vendor our organization is considering doing business with?

Report an Incident

Report an Incident

We strive to create and maintain a speak-up culture and an environment where you can safely report concerns. If you observe an act that is not right, or might not be right, we encourage you to report it immediately. The Integrity Helpline is a resource to help us do the right thing. All inquiries will be handled promptly. You may remain anonymous, except where prohibited by law or regulation. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with operators who speak many languages. You may dial the toll-free number for your country identified in the list on this page, or you may file a report online from this site.

Click the button below to get started with your report and we'll ask you a few questions about the incident.

Check Status

Check Status

You can check the status of your report or question using the access number and password you created when you submitted the report or question.

Call Us

If you would prefer to speak to someone confidentially, call us and one of our representatives would be happy to assist you.

phone icon (800) 461-9330

If you are dialing internationally choose your location from the list below for the international number assigned to your country. If your country is not listed click here for additional instructions.

map icon

Please note this is not an emergency service. Contact your local authorities if this is a life threatening issue.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are examples of incidents that should be reported?

  • Issues covered by the German Supply Chain Act (LkSG)
  • Issues with potential legal impact to the business
  • Potential or actual violations of the ASEC, internal policies, or external laws and regulations
  • Biased or discriminatory behavior
  • Actions that do not promote the best interests of customers, patients, and others who depends on Gore products
  • Mishandled waterline issues

What are examples of concerns I should bring to the attention of my Leader or HR Partner?

  • Disrespectful treatment of Associates or others in our workplace
  • Associate Development
  • Associate Orientation and Mobility
  • Benefits
  • C&C
  • Accommodation requests
  • Leave of Absence / Time off
  • Payroll

If you are not comfortable bringing any of these concerns directly to your leader or HR Partner, you can submit them through AskHR (accessible through the Intranet)

What happens after I ask a question or report an incident?

If you ask a question, your question will get routed to the Enterprise Compliance Team for review. A response will be provided as timely as possible by the appropriate Gore Associate either through the system or directly depending on the nature of the question.

If you report an incident, the concern will be reviewed by the Intake Team and assigned to the appropriate Team for investigation. You can check the status of the investigation by using the "Check Status" tool. Once the investigation is complete, you will receive a summary of the outcome through the system or via email. Please keep in mind that some investigations can take several weeks based on the complexity of the issues involved.


Welche Arten von Vorfällen sollten gemeldet werden?

  • Angelegenheiten mit möglichen rechtlichen Folgen für das Unternehmen
  • Mögliche oder tatsächliche Verstöße gegen die ASEC, interne Richtlinien oder externe Gesetze bzw. Verordnungen
  • Voreingenommenes oder diskriminierendes Verhalten
  • Handlungen, die nicht im Interesse von Kunden, Patienten oder anderen Personen liegen, die Gore Produkte benötigen
  • Falsche Auslegung oder Missachtung von Waterline-Themen

Bei welchen Themen sollte ich mich an meinen Leader bzw. einen HR-Partner wenden, wenn ich Bedenken habe?

  • Respektloser Umgang mit Associates oder anderen Personen am Arbeitsplatz
  • Persönliche Entwicklung
  • Persönliche Orientierung und Fragen zur Mobilität
  • Freiwillige Leistungen
  • C&C
  • Unterbringungsanfragen
  • Freistellung/Urlaub
  • Gehaltsabrechnung

Wenn du dich nicht wohl dabei fühlst, diese Anliegen direkt mit deinem Leader oder HR-Partner zu besprechen, kannst du sie auch über AskHR übermitteln (Zugang im Intranet).

Was geschieht, nachdem ich eine Frage gestellt oder einen Vorfall gemeldet habe?

Wenn du eine Frage stellst, wird sie zur Prüfung an das Enterprise Compliance Team weitergeleitet. Deine Frage wird so schnell wie möglich von dem zuständigen Gore Associate beantwortet. Je nach Art der Frage geschieht dies über das System oder persönlich.

Wenn du einen Vorfall meldest, wird dein Anliegen vom Intake-Team geprüft und anschließend dem zuständigen Team zur Untersuchung zugewiesen. Du kannst den Status über die Funktion „Check Status“ verfolgen. Sobald die Untersuchung abgeschlossen ist, erhältst du über das System oder per E-Mail eine Zusammenfassung des Ergebnisses. Bitte beachte, dass einige Untersuchungen je nach Komplexität der Angelegenheit mehrere Wochen andauern können.



  • 对业务有潜在法律影响的问题
  • 潜在或实际违反 ASEC、内部政策或外部法律和法规的违规行为
  • 偏见或歧视行为
  • 不促进客户、患者以及其他依靠戈尔产品者最佳利益的行为
  • 水线问题处理不当


  • 在工作间不尊重同事或他人
  • 同事发展
  • 同事培训和调动
  • 效益
  • 贡献和薪酬
  • 住宿要求
  • 休假/休息
  • 薪酬

如果您不愿意将这些疑虑直接告知领导或人力资源伙伴,可以访问 Intranet 通过 AskHR 提交






  • ビジネスに対して法的な影響をもたらす可能性がある問題
  • ASEC、社内規程または法令もしくは規制の違反またはその可能性のあるもの
  • 偏見によるまたは差別的な振る舞い
  • 顧客、患者およびゴア製品を利用するその他の者の利益に寄与しない行動
  • 適切に扱われなかったウォーターライン・イシュー


  • 職場におけるアソシエートやその他の者に対する失礼な対応
  • アソシエートのデベロップメント
  • アソシエートのオリエンテーションやモビリティ
  • ベネフィット
  • C&C
  • 人事に関するリクエスト
  • 休職/休暇
  • ペイロール



質問は、レビューのため、エンタープライズ・コンプライアンス・チーム(Enterprise Compliance Team)に回付されます。回答は、できるだけ速やかに、適切なアソシエートから、質問の性質により、システムを通じてまたは直接になされます。

インシデントの報告がなされた場合、懸念事項はインテイク・チーム(Intake Team)によりレビューされ、調査のために適切なチームに割り当てられます。「Check Status」ツールで、調査の状況を確認することができます。調査の完了後、調査結果の概要がシステム経由または電子メールにより通知されます。事案の複雑さにより、調査に数週間を要する場合があることに留意してください。


어떤 사고를 보고해야 합니까?

  • 비즈니스에 법적 영향을 미칠 수 있는 문제
  • ASEC, 내부 정책 또는 외부 법률 및 규정의 잠재적 위반이나 실제 위반
  • 편향적 행동 또는 차별적 행동
  • Gore 제품을 이용하는 고객, 환자 및 기타 다른 사람들에 대한 최선의 이익을 도모하지 않는 조치
  • 잘못 처리된 Waterline의 문제

내 리더 또는 HR 파트너에게 어떤 우려 사항을 제기해야 합니까?

  • Associate 또는 직장 내 다른 사람을 상대로 한 무례한 대우
  • Associate 개발
  • Associate 진로지도 및 유동성
  • 복리후생
  • C&C
  • 편의 요청
  • 휴직/휴가
  • 급여

이러한 우려 사항을 자신의 리더 또는 HR 파트너에게 직접 제기하는 것이 불편할 경우에는 AskHR(인트라넷을 통해 접근 가능)을 통해 제출할 수 있습니다.

문의하거나 사고를 보고하면 어떻게 됩니까?

문의하면 문의 사항이 Enterprise Compliance 팀으로 전달되어 검토를 거칩니다. 질문의 성격에 따라 담당 Gore Associate이 가급적 적시에 시스템을 통해 또는 직접적으로 답변을 제공합니다.

사고를 보고하면 접수 팀에서 해당 우려 사항을 검토하고 조사를 위해 담당 팀으로 그 내용을 전달합니다. "상태 확인" 도구를 사용하면 조사 상태를 확인할 수 있습니다. 조사가 완료되면 시스템 또는 이메일을 통해 결과 요약을 받게 됩니다. 관련 사안의 복잡성에 따라 일부 조사에 몇 주가 소요될 수도 있습니다.

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Additional Resources

The Integrity Helpline is an Enterprise group-wide reporting channel, but there may be circumstances where you as a reporter (in certain qualified EU countries) believe that you have a need to make your report at a local subsidiary level.  If you believe this situation applies to you, then you are invited to instead contact the following Gore Associates in order to make your report:

Italy – Massimo Marcolongo – mmarcolo@wlgore.com
Germany – Karsta Goetze – kgoetze@wlgore.com
Sweden – Annette Trengereid - atrenger@wlgore.com
Spain – Ainhoa Vinas – avinas@wlgore.com

Your report will be received and investigated with confidentiality within the entity so far as is practically possible and legally required.


Click here for Gore's code of conduct, the Associates' Standards of Ethical Conduct (ASEC)

For additional Gore policies and statements, click on the link below to Gore.com:

Gore Resource Library

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Message from Bret Snyder

Click Continue reading... for translations in German, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean

Dear Associate,

Upholding our legacy of integrity remains central to delivering our promise of Together, improving life, particularly in an external environment characterized by high uncertainty. For our business to thrive, we count on each other to act fairly and ethically in our day-to-day interactions. Doing so sustains trusted relationships, protects our reputation, and enables us to deliver products that do what we say they will do. For guidance on acting with integrity, we look to our Associates’ Standards of Ethical Conduct (ASEC), which describes expectations for ethical behavior and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. We have updated our ASEC to make clearer that not only will we treat each other with respect, in keeping with our fairness principle, but also that we will address behaviors inconsistent with our principles and values.

To ensure we are maintaining an environment where all of us can do our best work, we rely on you to speak up and raise concerns when you encounter practices that are inconsistent with our own ethical standards or noncompliant with law. Please discuss any concerns with your leader, sponsor, HR or any member of our Legal and Enterprise Compliance teams. You may also contact the Integrity Helpline (previously “ASEC Hotline”).

Bret Snyder
President & CEO


Liebe Associates

Das Aufrechterhalten unserer traditionellen Integrität bleibt weiterhin von zentraler Bedeutung, um unser Versprechen Together, improving life zu erfüllen, insbesondere in einem Umfeld, das von starker Unsicherheit geprägt ist. Damit unser Geschäft florieren kann, vertrauen wir darauf, dass unser täglicher Umgang miteinander auf Fairness und ethischen Grundsätzen basiert. Auf diese Weise pflegen wir vertrauenswürdige Beziehungen, schützen unseren Ruf und können Produkte liefern, die das bieten, was wir versprechen. Hinweise zum integren Handeln findest Du in unseren ASEC Grundsätzen (Grundsätze ethischen Verhaltens für Associates), in denen die Erwartungen an ethisches Verhalten und die Einhaltung geltender Gesetze und Vorschriften dargelegt sind. Wir haben unsere ASEC Grundsätze aktualisiert, um besser zu verdeutlichen, dass wir nicht nur im Einklang mit unserem Fairness-Prinzip respektvoll miteinander umgehen, sondern auch gegen Verhaltensweisen vorgehen, die nicht mit unseren Prinzipien und Werten vereinbar sind.

Um sicherzustellen, dass wir ein Umfeld schaffen, in dem wir alle unser Bestes geben
können, verlassen wir uns darauf, dass Du Dich zu Wort meldest und Bedenken äußerst, wenn Du auf Praktiken stößt, die nicht unseren eigenen ethischen Standards entsprechen oder gegen Gesetze verstoßen. Bitte bespreche alle Bedenken mit Deinem Vorgesetzten, Deinem Sponsor, der Personalabteilung, einem Associate der Rechtsabteilung oder einem Mitglied des Enterprise Compliance Teams. Du kannst Dich aber auch an die Integrity Helpline wenden (vormals „ASEC Hotline”).

Bret Snyder
Präsident und CEO



准则》(ASEC) 之中,准则阐述了⼽尔对道德⾏事和遵纪守法的期望。
我们更新了 ASEC,更明确地表⽰我们不仅要尊重彼此,遵守公平原

疑虑。您也可以拨打诚信热线(原名“ASEC 热线”)。

Bret Snyder
President & CEO




私たち全 員が最善を尽くすことのできる環境を維持するには、ゴアの倫理基準に抵触する⾏為または法令を遵守していない⾏為に遭遇したときに、皆さんに声をあげて懸念を知らせていただくことがとても⼤切です。懸念がある場合は、リーダー、スポンサー、HRまたはリーガルチームもしくはエンタープライズ・コンプライアンスチームのメンバーに報告してください。インテグリティーヘルプライン(旧「ゴア倫理ホットライン」)に連絡していただくこともできます。

ブレット・スナイダー (Bret Snyder)


친애하는 직원 여러분,

성실성이라는 유산을 유지하는 것은 우리의 약속인 Together, improving life를 지키는데 가장 중요합니다. 특히, 외부 환경이 아주 불확실할 때 그렇습니다. 회사의 번영을 위해 일상적인 업무 활동에서 모두가 공정하고 윤리적으로 행동해야 합니다. 그렇게 함으로써 신뢰할 수 있는 관계를유지하고, 회사의 명성을 보호하며, 회사가 약속한 기능을 발휘하는 제품을 제공할 수 있습니다. 청렴한 행동에 대한 지침은 윤리적 행동 및 관련 법률과 규정 준수에 대해 회사가 여러분에게 기대하는 바를 설명하는 직원 윤리 강령 규범(ASEC)에서 찾을 수 있습니다.우리는 회사의 공정성 원칙에 따라 서로를 존중할 뿐만 아니라 회사의 원칙과 가치에 부합하지 않는 행동을 다룰 것임을 더 명확하게 하기 위해ASEC를 업데이트했습니다.

모두가 최선의 업무를 수행할 수 있는 환경을 유지할 수 있도록, 회사의 윤리적 기준에 부합하지 않거나 법에 어긋나는 관행에 직면하게 되면 문제를 제기하고 우려를 제기해야합니다. 여러분의 리더, 스폰서, HR 또는 법무 및 기업 준법감시팀의 담당자와 우려사항에 대해 논의하십시오. 또한 Integrity Helpline(이전의 “ASEC 핫라인”)에 연락할 수 있습니다.

Bret Snyder
President & CEO

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